Behind the Chair with Gabrielle

Something you learn quickly in the hair industry: everyone has a story to tell. Aside from keeping your hair 💯 we get to learn more about our clients at every appointment.

Through the Rundown we want you to get to know us. In this series we give you a glimpse of what life is like ‘Behind the Chair.’

“If you tell me your birthday once, I will always remember it.”

With her birthday coming up on September 6th, meet Gabrielle. One of revives OG stylists!

What made you want to become a hairstylist?

I’ve always loved doing hair my entire life. Since I was little I remember asking my older family members or babysitters if I could play with their hair. I did and still do my friends hair before going out since grade school.

What does a perfect day off look like?

A perfect day off would involve 0 hair talk. (Yes I love my career but sometimes ya need a day😂)

I’d spend the day getting rest and relaxation at a spa or on a beach depending on the time of year. Catch up on some bravo tv with wine and my pride and joy pup, Millie.

What’s your favorite holiday?

Very tough, but i’d have to go with Christmas. I love the music, the decorations, and all the family time throughout the season. (Joy to the world by Mariah Carey is the most underrated Christmas song, it’s a favorite).

How do you survive being on your feet 10+ hours a day?

I’ll start by saying thank God for the chiropractor 😂. Our Starbucks runs are definitely important too.

Advice for someone pursing a cosmetology career:

Get out of your own head. You won’t be perfect or the best overnight. It takes lots of practice and education to get established and build a book in this career.

Fake it til you make it. Nothing is more appealing to someone in your chair than being confident in yourself and your work.

If you weren’t a hairstylist, what would you be?

I would probably say a therapist. (Even tho hairdressers are basically therapists too! )

Gabs Essential Info:

-If you tell me your birthday once I will always remember it.

-Oreos and milk every night before bed is a must for me.

-I still watch SpongeBob way more often than a girl my age should.

-My favorite movie is she’s the man.

What’s on your bucket list?

The majority of my bucket list is traveling.. Italy and Greece being high on the list. Skydiving is up there along with having a beach house some day.

drop a love note for Gabrielle in the comments 💕