Behind the Chair with Shannon

Something you learn quickly in the hair industry: everyone has a story to tell. Aside from keeping your hair 💯 we get to know everyone that sits in our chair and learn more during every appointment.

Through the Rundown we want you to get to know us. In this series we dive into the stylist minds and get a glimpse of what life is like ‘Behind the Chair.’

With the 2 year anniversary of revive coming up (November!) it’s time to get to know the brains behind it all, owner Shannon Redding.

Where do you find inspiration?

As a business owner- being around people who are passionate about what they do and know way more than me.

As a stylist- art and nature. You’ll never hear me complain if everyone on my IG feed has posted pictures of the sunset, I love it.

What do you love about your job?

I love doing hair but my favorite part of the job is connecting with people. I couldn’t imagine having any other type of career and not getting to talk all day long.

How do you want clients to feel when they come to revive?

I wanted to create an atmosphere that every single person could feel comfortable in. Over the course of my career I had so many people tell me they felt they had to get changed into a cuter outfit to come in to their appointments or they didn’t feel like they fit in there and I HATED that. If you are sitting for 2+ hours I want you to be the most comfortable you can be. My vision was to walk in and feel calm. I wanted the clients to feel at ease and the stylist to have a peaceful work environment.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your profession?

Turn away clients with box dye 😂 No probably learning to adapt to each new person that sits in your chair.

Advice for starting a business:

The hardest lesson I had to learn was no one else is going to do the work for me. It wasn’t until I stopped listening to everyone else’s opinions and doubts that my vision really started to come to life. I always say no risk no reward so if you are serious about making your business your life pour all of your energy into it- it’ll show!

Advice for pursing a cosmetology career:

It is way harder than you could imagine but please don’t give up! The hours are hard, learning fundamentals is hard, but having the patience to build your book and your brand is the most important thing. I believe you should find a stylist you look up to and learn as much as you can from them and then move on to a stylist who works totally different. You can never have too much education.

Favorite way to spend a day off?

Obviously with ravioli 🐶

I cut my hours this year and prioritized making some time for myself. My absolute favorite thing to do is sit in the sauna. It’s my 30 minutes of absolute peace on my days off and I swear it has gotten rid of anxieties and tension in my body. And since my phone over heats in there is it my small portion of the day that I can disconnect with the world.

employee love notes

“Shannon is very dedicated and invested in revive. She wanted to create a modern salon with a fresh feeling, energy and talented stylists you can trust! She’s a great friend as well as a boss. She’s so thoughtful during any special occasion or landmark in celebrating you. She wants you to be mentally at peace when it comes to work which was always important to her creating her ideal salon environment. I wanted to work in a place that felt like an extension of home where I felt comfortable to be myself. She built a team where I can say we are all truly friends and enjoy each others company in and out of the salon. When she is happy we all are lol. She’s the hype man for all of us to succeed through the ups and downs that comes with working women.” -Ava

“Working at revive is amazing because it’s like seeing your friends everyday. It doesn’t feel like work. Everyone is always willing to help each other throughout the work day and it’s really a team effort all the time. It’s nice working for Shannon because she prioritizes her employees. She goes out of her way to thank us when we are doing anything extra & makes sure we know we’re doing great. It’s good to feel seen and appreciated as an employee. Also to have that friendship with your boss is great!” -Morgan

“One of the main reasons I decided to join Revive was because Shannon was the force behind it. There’s a big difference when your boss is on the floor with you everyday, compared to someone just owning a salon and not knowing what goes on any given day. I respect Shan in so many ways, but mainly because I don’t think I know a harder worker. Opening Revive wasn’t easy and she came out successful because she has an incredible drive and passion.” -Riana

“What makes revive different is that we are all friends and get along so well. We’re all more than willing to help each other throughout the day & get to have fun while still at work. It’s nice to have a boss who gets to truly know who you are as a person. She wants to better understand how you are as a worker and your needs and she’s always there to understand and help out and be realistic.” -Danielle

If Shannon wasn’t a hairstylist she would probably be an interior designer. “I am absolutely obsessed with decor!”

drop a love note for Shannon in the comments 💕