Behind the Chair with Riana & Val

Something you learn quickly in the hair industry: everyone has a story to tell. Aside from keeping your hair 💯 we get to know everyone that sits in our chair and learn more during every appointment.

Through the Rundown we want you to get to know us. This series will be special as we dive into the stylists minds and get a glimpse of what life is like ‘Behind the Chair.’

In honor of Mothers Day meet the Moms of revive. All of us are fur Moms but these two also have human babies. As you meet more of us we hope you’ll relate to something or find inspiration to put forward into your life in some way.


Jocco, 4 months

I pitched Giacomo to my husband for a boys name, with the intention of calling him Jocco for short. Joe didn’t like how Italian Giacomo was so we decided to go with Jocco as his real name.

What’s changed since becoming a Mom?

Life behind the chair has changed a lot, I’ve gone from full time to part time. And the conversations are a lot different now. It’s a lot of fun hearing everyone’s birth stories and funny memories about their kids as babies.


Beau, 16 months

Duke, born April 20th 2022

Having two boys 16 months a part makes me so excited for all the future sporting events. I will 100% be that mom.

What’s changed since becoming a Mom?

I have a new appreciation for my work. This is my outlet and being behind the chair makes me feel like me. I think every mom needs their own time and space to be creative.

Advice for working Moms:

“It definitely seems scary leaving your baby but embrace the time that you get to be by yourself for a couple hours.” - Riana

“Do what feels best for you and your household. Work will always be there but you can not get the baby years back. In the same sense if you’re like me and need to work for your sanity, do it! Your kids need a happy and healthy mama!” - Val

Happy Mother’s Day!

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